A Kaleidoscope of Memories

4-H Seamstresses
A Goat Tale
A Grasshopper Summer
A Memory Of Margaret
A Year Of Celebrations
About The Author
Auntie Pearl And Chuck
Childhood Fun On The Farm
Colorado Bound!
Dad's Sheep
Depression Days
Farm Health: Cures And Remedies
Fishing With Friends
For Phyllis
From Dust To Dawn
Garden Glimpses
Grandma Adair's Aprons
Grandma Marshall And Her Wicker Sewing Basket
Homemade Ice Cream
Household Chores
How The Farm Came To Be
00 Introduction
Margaret's Christmas Memories
More Time Passes
My 4-H Footstool
No TV In The 1930's - What To Do!
One Room Schoolhouse
Our Spring
Picknicking In The Southeast Corner
Pigs On Our Farm
Prohibition Days
Redding, Iowa - A Walk Around Town
Redding United Methodist Church
Roadside Loveliness
The Threshers Are Coming
Threshing The Harvest
Time Passes
Turkey Tales
Uncle Arthur's Family Visit
Wallpapering The Outhouse
Watermelon Delight
When The Road Was Widened
Who We Are
Winter Chores
Winter Memories
Winter Solstice

Adair Mail

ADAIR MAIL – 2008 (Calendar done by Rich Kruse)
ADAIR MAIL – July 2004
ADAIR MAIL – Number Eight – December 2001
ADAIR MAIL – Number Five – October 1996
ADAIR MAIL – Number Four – December 1995
ADAIR MAIL – Number One – September 30, 1992
ADAIR MAIL – Number Six – March 1998
ADAIR MAIL – Number Three – January 1995
ADAIR MAIL – Number Two – February 28, 1993
ADAIR MAIL – Number Ten - October 2002

Adair - Miller

19 Jun 1972 Letter from Mary to Alice
1910 Letter from Charles Adair to Mother and Addie
1942 Letters to Dorothy
1943 Letters to Dorothy
1945 visit to Buchenwald concentration camp written by John F Hendrickson
1960 Letter from Dot to Alice, etc.
1970 Holiday Greetings from Orin family
1972-02-16 Letter from Wava to Alice
1972-04-12 Letter from Mary to Alice
1972-12-27 Letter from Earl
1972 Jul-Aug Letters between cousins
1972 Sep 7 - Letter from Mary to Alice
1973-02-12 Letter from Mary
1996 Notes from Diane & Family
1998 New Years Letter from Tilman Adair family
2010 Dorothy Adair Gonick - Chickadees
2014 Happy Holidays from Barbara Robb
24 Jul 1972 Letter from Mary to Alice
27 Jun 1972 Letter from Mary to Alice
A Celebration of Life, Alan A. Robb
1933 Adair Family Reunion
1938 Adair Family Reunion
Adair in Hatfield, Missouri
Alice from Mary - Jan 10, 1975
Arthur Drake Christmas Card
Biographies for three brothers of Horatio Thompson Miller
Birthday cards for Margaret Adair (Kruse)
Bob & Wava, Christmas 1998
Card from Dorothy about school
2002 Card from Pat Ahart
Cards from Bob & Wava Adair
Cards from Oakland Adair Family
Cell Numbers
Charles Zollman Miller
Charles Zollman Miller (1876-1901)
Cheer and Happiness from Aunt Bessie
2001 Christmas from the Milman Family
1997 Christmas Card from Bob & Wava
Christmas Card from John Adair family
Christmas Card from Kathleen Adair family
1997 Christmas Card from Naomi
1983 Christmas Card from Naomi Adair Hendrickson
Christmas Card from Ruth Hickerson
Christmas Cards from Maury June Edwin
Christmas Cards from Orin Norrine Mike Greg
Greetings from The Hendricksons
Christmas Poem by Margaret and Dewey
Civil War Widow's Pension
Correspondence with Dorothy 1943
December 1977 - Robbs
Dewey Adair Service, Redding
Dorothy Adair Gonick articles
Dorothy and The People's Press
Dorothy Gonick reflections
Dorothy letter 1974
Dorothy Raines in Franklin, TN
Earl Drake, Army 1946
Earl recipe for Salve
Erna & Margaret Colorado Trip 1942
Family history by Naomi
Family Post Cards
Fan Chart of descendants of Earl & Mary ADAIR
Fred Adair Memorial Program
from the book - Redding The First Hundred Years
Fun at Allendale park
circa 1906 Garland Herbert Adair
Getting Results against World Hunger
Golden Anniversary Earl & Mary Adair
1940 Golden Wedding of John Wesley Adair and Margaret Jane Miller Adair
1910 Grandma letter written by Earl D. Adair to his grandmother
H. T. Miller in Zollman, Va 1891
1991 Hendrickson family Christmas
House of Ochiltrees (CZMiller)
House of Ochiltrees (CZMiller)
In Loving Memory of Maurice Stanley Hendrickson
In Memoriam Earl Adair
In Memoriam Mary Bailey Adair
Interviews with my Mom and Dad re their early Christmas
Jan 3, 1981 Married life is great!
January 13, 1943 Mary to Dorothy
Jessie letter to Sam 17 May 1924
John Adair, Celebration of Life
John Addison Miller (1829-1862)
John W letter January 1931
John Wesley Adair home and farm
Latitude & Longitudes
Letter from A. O. Drake to Bessie & All (January 23, 1931)
Letter from Billy Miller 1909
Letter from Bob Adair
Letter from Goldie Pearl Miller to nephew Ward Keebaugh written July 10, 1976. This is my transcription from copy obtained from Phil Miller.
Letter from Helen Johnson to Mary Adair written about 1975
Letter from Henry Horatio Miller to Bro. Wesley & Family written Oct 7, 1949. Henry is 80 now. This is my transcription from copy obtained from Phil Miller.
Letter from Henry Horatio Miller to sister Maggie Adair written Apr 21-24, 1947. Henry just had birthday; he is 78 now. This is my transcription from copy obtained from Phil Miller.
Letter from Henry Horatio Miller to sister Maggie Adair written Mar 27, 1942. Henry would be 73 on his next birthday in 2+ weeks. This is my transcription from copy obtained from Phil Miller. NOTE: I tried to accurately spell like he did in his letter; m
Letter from John C Adair 1987
Letter from Josie Miller to Mr. J. W. Adair
Letter from Louise Hoover, October 1981
Letter from Marge to Dorothy & Alice
Letter from Mary Adair
March 1975 Letter from Mary Adair
Letter from Mary to Dorothy 1968
Letter from Mary while at Kruses 1974
1994 Letter from Naomi
1995 Letter from Naomi
2011 Letter from Norrine Adair
Letter from Pearl Jones Adair
Letter from Ralph to Alice 1956
Letter from Uncle Billy (Will) to home 1898
Letter from Wava to Alice
Letters 1972-1975
Letters by Mary Adair 1974
Letters from Dorothy 1973-1975
Letters from Margaret to Diane
Letters from Mary Adair to Dorothy Gonick
Letters from Norrine, Orin and Greg
Letters from Oakland Adair
1992 Letters from Ruth Hickerson
Letters from Sam & Jessie
Letters that Alice sent to Tom
Linda fighting hunger 1986
LiveStory of Margaret Adair Kruse
Louise and Stuart Hoover 1973, 1981
Loutzenhiser Details
Margaret Adair Kruse
Margaret Adair (Kruse) Banquets
Margaret Adair (Kruse) Letters & Checks
Margaret Adair (Kruse) school work
Mary Adair 1973
Mary Adair Funeral Service
Mary Adair January 1974
Mary Adair notebook
Mary Bailey (Adair) diaries 1962-1963
1958 Mary Bailey (Adair) letter
1962 Diary and Notebook by Mary Bailey (Adair)
May 1898
May 22-26, 1967 Letters from Mary Adair and Hazel
Memories Sayings Incidents
1934 Miller Picnic
Miscellaneous Christmas Greetings
1894-1896 Miscellaneous financial records from John W. Adair
Naomi 1988 sayings
1930-1931 News about Adair in Redding
News from Dewey & Margaret
Older post cards
On this date March 4, 2012
Photos from Alice Adair Johnson 90th birthday
Photos from Billy Miller
Photos of Beatrice Harrison
Photos of Beatrice Harrison
Photos of the farmhouse
Preparing for Alice wedding 1957
Redding 14 Aug 1946
Redding 9 Aug 1933
Redding 9 May 1934
Redding hometown news 24 Apr 1946
Redding News - 20 Nov 1946
Redding News - August 30, 1972
1960 Reflections of Summer
Ringgold County History, 1942
Ringgold County History, 1942
Roots of the Adair Family written by Naomi Adair Hendrickson
Sam & Jessie Adair cards
Sayings that Dorothy remembers
School Photos for John Adair
Sesquicentennial Celebration of Redding United Methodist Church
Short note from Marge
Some Adair History
Some Adair History
Stories about siblings John & Janetta Miller
Stories about Zollman family
Story of Walt narrated by Dorothy Gonick
Sue Hickerson, astonishing person
1965 Earl Adair letter
The State University of Iowa, 1944
To Alice from Uncle Billy
To Dorothy from Mary Jan-21
December 1960 Trip plan and completion of Mary and Earl Adair
Uncle Billy with Hazel
Uncle Billy with Klo
Wedding of Marie 2002
Windmill estimate 1898
Writing about William Miller and the Battle of Cowpens
Zollman History

Bailey - Cartland

1930 Postcard from Aunt Bess to Margaret
1948 Post card from Edna Bailey
Letters from Vernice & Phyllis
1998 Phyllis Drescher Head
A. C. Bailey and Maurine
Bailey Book
Berry descendants
Billy Miller photos
Book presented to Elwood S. Bailey
Cartland Clan in America
Cherished Memories (Ella Lydia Cartland Marshall)
Children of Elisha (or Elijah) and Sarah Partridge CARTLAND
Christmas 2011 from Broweleit family
Christmas Cards from Lucy Ruth Marian
Drescher Christmas Cards
Durham Historical Society
Etheldean news 2/28/1981
Fan Chart of descendants of Earl & Mary ADAIR
Golden Anniversary Earl & Mary Adair
Head - Christmas Letter 1955
Head - December 1961
In Memoriam Mary Bailey Adair
Jennette and Bruderhof
John Adair, Celebration of Life
Lee, NH Bicentennial July 30-31, 1966
Letter from Edith Maria Bailey Wood
Letter from Mary Adair
Letter with Bailey genealogy to Mary Bailey Adair from 1st Cousin Edna
Letters by Mary Adair 1974
Letters from 1986-2011
Letters from Marian 1957
Letters that Arthur Cartland Bailey sent to his cousin Vernice Bailey Wood
Mary Adair Funeral Service
Mary Adair January 1974
Mary Adair notebook
1962-1963 Mary Bailey (Adair) diaries
Mary Bailey (Adair) letter 1958
Mary Bailey (Adair) notebook and diary 1962
Notes about the Stephen Cartland Family…1925 Cartland Family Notes by Susan Cartland Berry Sisson, re-typed by great-granddaughter Patricia Probert Gott
Notes from Evelyn Bailey
Notes from Ruth Cartland Graham
Phyllis - Happy Holidays 2004
Quilt from Friends Church
Strawberry Story
Earl Adair letter 1965
The Descendants of Jedediah and Anna Torrey Austin
The Phosphorescence of Fuzed Quartz
Trip plan and completion of Mary and Earl Adair in December 1960


Christmas cards and Newsletters

Annual Greeting for the Robb's 2003
Axel 2021
Card from Jim & Oakland
Card from John and Linda
Card from Mary and Marge, 1974
Cards from Bob & Wava Adair
Cards from Oakland Adair Family
Christmas 2001 from the Milman Family
Christmas Card from Bob & Wava 1997
Christmas card from Drescher Family
Christmas card from Evelyn Bailey
Christmas Card from Hazel
Christmas Card from John Adair family
Christmas Card from Kathleen Adair family
Christmas card from Lucy and Ruth
Christmas Card from Naomi 1997
Christmas Card from Naomi Adair Hendrickson 1983
Christmas card from Rudolph H Kruse
Christmas Card from Ruth Hickerson
Christmas Cards from Lucy Ruth Marian
Christmas Cards from Maury June Edwin
Christmas Cards from Orin Norrine Mike Greg
Christmas Poem by Margaret and Dewey
Drescher Christmas Cards
Head - Christmas Letter 1955
Head - December 1961
Hendrickson family Christmas 1991
Reflections of Summer 1960
Sam & Jessie
Sam & Jessie Adair cards

Earl courting Mary

1919 10 04 (October 4)
1919 10 07 (October 7)
1919 10 26 (October 26)
1919 10 28 (October 28)
1919 10 19 (October 19)
1919 11 11 (November 11 maybe)
1910 11 18 (November 18)
1919 11 08 (November 8 maybe)
1919 11 26 (November 26 maybe)
1919 12 03 (December 3)
1919 12 05 (December 5)
1919 12 10 (December 10)
1919 12 12 (December 12)
1919 12 15 (December 15)
1919 12 17 (December 17)
1919 12 22 (December 22)
1919 12 30 (December 30)
1920 01 02 (January 2)
1920 01 06 (January 6)
1920 01 08 (January 8)
1920 01 12 (January 12)
1920 01 21 (January 21)
1920 01 23 (January 23)
1920 01 29 (January 29)
1920 02 02 (February 2)
1920 02 12 (February 12)
1920 02 14 (February 14)
1920 02 18 (February 18)
1920 02 20 (February 20)
1920 02 25 (February 25)
1920 02 26 (February 26)
1920 02 29 (February 29)
1920 03 04 (March 4)
1920 03 12 (March 12)
1920 03 14 (March 14)
1920 03 18 (March 18)
1920 03 22 (March 22)
1920 03 24 (March 24)
1920 03 08 (March 8 maybe)
1920 04 04 (April 4)
1920 04 05 (April 5)
1920 04 06 (April 6)
1920 04 09 (April 9)
1920 04 11 (April 11)
1920 04 13 (April 13)
1920 04 14 (April 14)
1920 04 20 (April 20)
1920 04 26 (April 26)
1920 04 28 (April 28)
1920 04 30 (April 30)
1920 05 02 (May 2)
1920 05 04 (May 4)
1920 05 11 (May 11)
1920 05 13 (May 13)
1920 05 16 (May 16)
1920 05 18 (May 18)
1920 05 26 (May 26)
1920 06 01 (June 1)
1920 06 03 (June 3)
1920 06 06 (June 6)
1920 xx xx (perhaps May)
Highlights of Earl's letters
October 1919

Kruse - Seegers

1944 Greetings
1972-09-13 Linda letter
28th Division Shrine
50th Anniversary of D-Day
Banjo Buddies
Birthday cards for Margaret Adair (Kruse)
Dedication of 28th Infantry Division Monument
Diary for Marvin Europe trip
Family Videos
Klondike Big Inch Land Co, Inc
Florida 1952
Golden Anniversary party of Marvin & Margaret
Interviews with my Mom and Dad re their early Christmas
June 10 1970 Letters from Japan
June 25 1970 Letters from Japan
Letters describing Ettelbruck in 1944
Letters to Marvin Kruse pre D-Day
LiveStory of Marvin Kruse
Margaret Adair (Kruse) Banquets
Margaret Adair (Kruse) Letters & Checks
Margaret Adair (Kruse) school work
Marvin Kruse
Marvin Kruse and Liberation - Battle of the Bulge
Marvin Kruse confirmand in 1936
Marvin Kruse diary Sep 28, 1942 - Sep 13, 1943
Marvin Kruse home Interview as related to American Legion Post
Marvin Kruse youth & military
Membership Cards Marvin & Margaret
Midshipman Cruise 1968
Navy Deck Logs Available in the National Archives Catalog
On this date March 4, 2012
Paperwork for building 2051 Emerson History of house
Photos from D-Day to end of WW2 Marvin Kruse photos in Europe, 1944-1945
Quilt article in McCall’s magazine. Margaret Adair Kruse did some squares. Magazine is dated November 1991.
Redding News - 20 Nov 1946
Some writings of Richard Kruse
The Mont Clare-Leyden Herald
The Sycamore Tribune
Tom Navy stuff
Tom’s written English paper
Trips by Tom Kruse
V-Mails from Jack Bohy
V-Mails from Marvin Kruse
Vacations by Tom & Brenda
At Bloese Farm
War Ration Book
World War II Remembered
WWII Newsreels


Billy Miller photos
Dewey Adair Service, Redding
Europe trip with Marvin, John, Axel, Torsten
Family Videos
Golden Anniversary party of Marvin & Margaret
John Adair (Toastmasters)
Marge Kruse Service
Marvin Kruse at age 90
Miscellaneous family post cards written to/from relatives/family.
Movie - October 1997
NITOC 2017 - 2nd Place Finalist
Pictures from Fred Adair - 2021
Redding Centennial 1982
Service for Dorothy Adair Gonick 2/9/2022
Til & Deb 1997 plus trip East
Walter Gonick Story
Wedding of Marie 2002


The Redding Herald

Rateike - Jannusch

Family Videos
Rateike History

Ringgold County, Iowa

Centennial Observance of the United Methodist Church, Redding, Iowa 1974
Latitude & Longitudes
Plots of Redding Cemetery, May 29, 1973
Redding, Iowa Centennial Celebration, July 10-11, 1982
Ringgold County, Iowa Farm And Ranch Directory 1970

test because I am the best

Upcoming events

Adair - Bailey Facebook Group
Kruse - Seegers Facebook Group
Weekly Zoom Gathering