Letter postmarked Hatfield, Missouri Jan 25, 1910 from Charles Adair written to his mother. Apparently she was in Putnam, Oklahoma visiting her son Joseph and his child Audra (Addie) born September 1904.

Charles is another son of David Adair/Margaret Young. Siblings are JW, Minnie, Carrie mentioned in letter. Charles married Julia Heyle and Grandma Heyle must be her mother Christiana; father Jacob died in November 1908.

Ray Carter enlisted in March 1908; his sister is Virgil. Ray and Virgil are nephew and niece to Charles; parents are John Carter & sister Virginia Belle Adair.

William Rankin married Vertie Jones who is sister of Pearl Jones, wife of Chuck Adair who we knew in Redding.

The name Alice may be Charles daughter born September 1907.

I am guessing Bob Parson relates to son Garland Adair born July 1898, who you may remember as the third oldest man in the world dying at age 111.

Original letterĀ 


My transcription of letterĀ 

Hatfield Mo Jan 24 1910