I found these papers written by one of the children of Dr. Herbert Hardy Cartland & Henrietta Houston.
This 8 page letter contains many details about Bailey & Nichols ancestry. The parents of Elwood Bailey are William Haskell Bailey (1813-1903) and Mary Chadbourne Nichols (1831-1885) and was written March 15, 1964 to Mary Bailey Adair from her first cousin Edna, daughter of Elwood's brother Alfred Corwin Bailey and Minnie Riley.
The last page includes note written by Mary with special attention "to Dorothy".
Read more: Letter with Bailey genealogy to Mary Bailey Adair from 1st Cousin Edna
I transcribed these two letters written in 1965 and 1972.
First letter is about some Bailey, Haskell, and Berry families.
Second letter is about Cartland and his Metaphysics experiences.
Mary Bailey Adair great, great, great, grandfather was Joseph Cartland. She brought back these documents. See notes on pages 6, 16-17, 19, 20-21.