Letter written by Maggie Adair and Louise Ruth Adair in January 1931 to John W. The envelope looks to have a note about Town Treasurer, Indianola, Iowa.

Maggie & Ruth 25Jan1931

Sat. morn.
Dear Dad: I got your letter & the pictures this a.m. I was in hopes I'de know somthing to tell you but I don't. he got here about noon Fri & I gave him a good dinner & he took the calls I gave him & went out to see the car. it is past 1'oclock & he has not even called me. I don't know what he is doing. I hope something. Is the add. pd. for? Two good calls came in last eve. & one this a.m. I told him to call me occasionally & he has not called at all. I won't send this till I hear from him. Alf has a very good looking house. Rose looks well. Thanks a lot for the note Dad. If the farm has to go, I want be safe you don't blame me do you? Dad did you keep out enough to pay my taxes at Indianola? I'm sending you a check & I'll have another one this mo. 6 since Xmas $78 & present $10, make $88. did I figure it right? I wrote to Dewey & Sam this a.m. & I will get busy & mend hoes & underwear. Nell & little Hope may come tonight.
Dear Grandpa.
I am us here with grandma. Daddy brought me up yesterday. Yesterday was the big day of my life. I got to visit Carl Rawson's Art Exhibit at Hart Sheyman space. I got to talk to hime about 1 1/2 or 2 hr. He talked again at an informal tea a Cummings Art school yesterday evening until about 11 o'clock. About 20 people were there, almost all artists, about 6 students were there. If all artists are like the ones here I like them. They just seem like one big family. They make your feel right at home and talk with you like old friends. Grandma went with me. It is Sunday & we are going down to the Bus station immediately. Goodby, Love - Ruth.