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TIME (2pm Pacific, 3pm Mountain, 4pm Central, 5pm Eastern)
Here are snippets of The Redding Herald pertaining to Adair Family from 1920-1947.
See second link to find the entire page. For your added benefit, please see the advertisements.
Article in the Franklin Park Herald Journal - March 12, 1986. Linda Kruse Lucero has "a concern for other people."
In response to request from Alice, Dorothy assembled these sayings
Letters included in one envelope from Hatfield, MO to Mrs. Maggie Adair in Redding, IA. First 2 letters from Opha (daughter of Joseph Adair and Rose Ann Speckman) to aunt Maggie and cousin Fred. Third letter from Chas. Adair written to Mr. J. W. Adair.
He speaks often of brothers John Thompson Miller, who went to the Philippine Islands for the Spanish-American War and Henry Horatio Miller. He was interested in the names of twins Dewey and Sam.
Letter postmarked Hatfield, Missouri Jan 25, 1910 from Charles Adair written to his mother. Apparently she was in Putnam, Oklahoma visiting her son Joseph and his child Audra (Addie) born September 1904.
Read more: 1910 Letter from Charles Adair to Mother and Addie
Celebration of the Redding United Methodist Church held on September 29, 2024.
Read more: Sesquicentennial Celebration of Redding United Methodist Church
Letter mentions Owen, Carrie, Dick, Frances, Treva, Mag, JW, Hun (Hon), Henry.
Read more: Letter from A. O. Drake to Bessie & All (January 23, 1931)
Collection of school photos 1935-1946 for John Adair.
Program for Alan Robb
Letter from Marge January 29, 1944
Diane received these letters from Margaret Kruse in January of 1987.
Here is a letter that Jessie wrote to Sam before they married; included is the photo she sent. And I included a transcription.
Small (3x4) notebook with notes from Mary Bailey Adair. Writings include calendar entries, steam locomotive facts, some family dates, and Old Glory poem.
Here is another set of articles from 2011 titled THOUGHTFUL REFLECTIONS FROM THE WORLD AROUND US. They were written and illustrated by Dorothy.
THROUGH THE SEASONS With NATURE AS A MIRROR. These articles were written by Dorothy and accepted by People's Press for publication in 2000 through 2002. Dorothy thanks sister Alice, daughter Diane, and Ivy and Joe Ciaburri for illustrations.
Ringgold County History by Iowa Writers Program W.P.A.
Ringgold County History by Iowa Writers Program W.P.A.
First story is about John Addison Miller and the Civil War. Second story is about Janetta Miller.
I created this story from records found on fold3.com for Mary Malinda Leech Miller, spouse of John Addison Miller who was killed in action at Vicksburg, MS in 1862.
During the Civil War, John Addison Miller, brother of Horatio Thompson Miller, was killed at Vicksburg, Mississippi. Here is the letter written by his commanding officer.
Margaret Adair Kruse was mentioning Bibles for Redding church. Traveled home from Memphis. Pickup Nancy at 5. Linda says you need a Pay Raise!
End_of_Year letter from Barbara and Alan Robb, 1977
Letter that Mary wrote to Dorothy. Alice having a Senior party. Earl bought a spotted pony.
Letter that Mary wrote to Alice discussing Sam & Jesse 50th Anniversary and neighbors in Melrose Park
Letter from Mary to Gonick's discussing logistics for marriage of Alice and Ralph.
Letter written to Dorothy at Courier Hall, Iowa City in January
Pearl wrote this in 1957
She mentions daughter Oakie, husband Chuck, other friends. "Wont Alice make a beautiful stately bride - how I wish I could see her"
Commencement Exercises - Sunday, April 23 at 1:45 1944 Iowa Memorial Union
Dorothy Ruth Adair presented with Bachelor of Arts by Dean of the College of Liberal Arts. Degree in Home Economics (page 7)
Letters from Mary, Margaret, Leonta, Dewey, etc. written to Dorothy who was at college.
Some letters to Dorothy from Mary, Margaret, Dewey, etc.
Note that the family members shared letters from other family members.
Funeral service, Saturday, May 20, 2023
Alice sent Tom some more letters.
This is the Memorial Program for Fred Adair who passed on April 1, 2023. The funeral was held April 22, 2023
There was a Celebration of Life for John Wesley Adair on Saturday, April 22, 2023 in Omaha, Nebraska.
Here is the program plus speeches given by family.
From Biographical and Historical Record of Ringgold and Decatur Counties, Iowa, 1887. All were born in Rockbridge County, Virginia and came to Iowa in the 1850’s.
Read more: Biographies for three brothers of Horatio Thompson Miller
Christmas cards and Newsletters
This category includes all known Christmas Cards and Family Newsletters
A Kaleidoscope of Memories
A collection of short stories by Dorothy Adair Gonick
Earl courting Mary
Letters that Earl Adair wrote to Mary Bailey before they married in 1920.