Mary wrote to Dorothy including many family details while staying at Emerson St.
Offer from Dandford & Mills to sell J.W. Adair "our very best" windmill pump.
Billy Miller addressed this letter to Mrs. H. T. Miller. Josie (Josephine Watson Shafer) is the 3rd spouse of H. T. married December 1907.
1942 Photo album of Margaret Adair (Kruse)
Home of John Wesley Adair
Orin writes about Mike, Greg, and Adrienne. Adrienne and Andy had baby girl Julia. Norinne working at Pacific Telephone. Orin opened Adair Sleep Shop in Petaluma.
Dorothy writes about her children.
Mary writes that they are home again. I guess from Des Moines since Jennette got rug & paint. Gladys Saville sold farm to Walkups. Jessie's brother Lester died. Sam wishes farm to Earl so Sam & Jessie can get into that "high-rise apt" in Colorado Springs.
Wava writes about cold/flu, Babs folks wintering in TorC, Bob happy at Snap-On and buying larger truck.
Mary writes of "sleeping beauty". Visits Bethany for Golden Anniversary of Herbert/Edith Adair; Herbert died in 2009 at 111 - third oldest man in the world. Visited with Stuart Hoover and Quicks.
Mary writes about car battery; Linda & John in Colorado; Marve plans on Scandinavia; Marge, Nancy, and girlfriend coming; hoping for Marie, Diane, and Dot; and Saturday Evening Post.
Letter written 3 months before he passed. He writes about Pageant Play in the summer with 3000 people attending.
Mary writes about all the visitors coming. Diane, Dorothy, Rich, Dewey, Margaret. Other news from Marge, John, Rosemarie, Steve, Peter. Mary says "This is one of my good days"
Earl writes about using lamb fat to make salve to leave your skin nice and smooth.
Mary writes about Alice anniversary, Alice as Girl Scout counselor in Sioux City in 1947, chiggers, Earl & Jennette fishing, Helen's silver dollar stake, Emerson neighbor Grace, Marie and Paul Devine.
Mary writes about tornado, trail derailment, Mt. Ayr Parish, John/Rosemarie with 3 children, Dewey/Marge in Lincoln, Maurice at work, paper hanger, Helen, and Flip.
1 - Diane writes Helen to arrive in Iowa after August 7.
2 - Helen plays pinochle with Nancy.
3 - Helen describes swing going over with Diane & Nancy.
Nature as a Mirror - Story written by Dorothy Gonick in 2010
Naomi mentions Adrienne, Orin, Fred and Ruth. Also Kathleen & Gene Dochnal plus John Chalmers and Patty/John Ahart and her sister Sue.
Dear Friends and Love Ones... from Indialantic, FL
Locations of family sites. The source of this list is Owen Drake
Letter from Norrine Adair in October 2011. She mentions Margaret & Rose, Mike & Lori, and Greg.
Transcription of interview with Garland Herbert Adair. He is grandson of David Adair & Margaret Ann Young
Photos from the 90th Birthday Party for Alice Adair Johnson. Family plus church friends attended in Huntsville, AL
Article from Iowa City Press-Citizen (Iowa City, Iowa) · 26 Mar 1976, Fri
Pat Ahart is daughter or grand-daughter of Ruth Adair Hickerson
Dec 1, 1983 Naomi mentions visit with John Adair, Fred & Twila returning from Hawaii, Orin & Norrine at home.
15 July 1995 Naomi mentions Adair newsletters, unknown (to me) Nancy Eaton Ferguson of Wyoming and Bill Eaton, Jr., Ivy Ciaburri looking like mother Diane, and Ruth Fred Orin feeling fine.
This card was written after 1990. Ruth going to visit daughter Patricia family in Cedar Rapids including her husband Stan Smith and their children Patty and Susan. Ruth visited her other daughters Sue in Murphysboro and Jeanne in Los Angeles. Jeanne received 1990 award for Lead Performance in Holy Days.
Year 1991 family newsletter.
Letter from Naomi Hendrickson about family including the Young family line. The mother of John Wesley Adair is Margaret Ann Young. Faye Dean Eager is a second cousin twice removed from me (Tom Kruse). Naomi mentions Alta Gathright (also 2nd cousin 2x removed); her maiden name is Alta Mae Craighead. Also mentioned phone call from her brother Orin.
1992 Two of Ruth letters re daughter Jeanne and acting awards. And AdairMail history assemblage.
Christmas 1964 from John, Rosemarie, Steffen and Axel Cartland
Card from Gene and Kathy and children. Kathleen married Gene Dochnahl.
Christmas card and Birthday card from Jessie & Sam Adair
Two Christmas cards from Mahoney family; Oakland married James Mahoney. I think "Charlie" is father of Oakland who died in 1964; Pearl died in 1959. It was sure nice to see Earl as Santa.
One Christmas card and one photo of children, Audrey Duane Pam
Christmas and New Year from Margaret and Dewey Adair. This is another clever message including map all folded.
This Christmas greeting from Margaret and Dewey Adair is in prose and includes map for travels adding Latitude/Longitude lines.
Two Christmas cards from the Orin Adairs.
Two Christmas cards from Maury, June and Edwin. First mentions "that little girl", presumably Helen. Second mentions that Earl and Mary are in town.
I can't tell you Alice, how happy I am down here. Instead of living with an insane world, Hazel is just like Klo & they were close friends. In fact Klo used to call her her closest friend.
Just what you would like to know
I'm so sorry for your Mother. She & Earl were my closest in Iowa
Uncle Billy
I will never never never forget all your kindness to all. I would love to see you down here tho maybe would keep little sweet Helen. I can't begin to tell you how I've enjoyed Marvins visit. I never knew we had relatives as nice as he. What a wonderful time we had with him.
Uncle Billy and Hazel
Merry Christmas from Dr. and Mrs. W. B. Miller
Dear Folks:- Klo feels & gets around better. Glad to hear from you in Ky. In Lexington we went in Henry Clays house, Mary Todds house before she married Lincoln, Morgan the Confederate raider for the South as J.E.B. Stuart was for the North. When you visit Ia stop to see us. I want to hold the little girl again.
Best wishes, Uncle Billy & Aunt Klo
I get so sad and lonesome but am looking forward for Earl and Mary before too long, I hope. You folks drive down and Arthur will show you pictures on the slide of Austria, Germany, Italy etc. We would all love to have you come.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Lot of love to all 3. Aunt Bessie.
The Merriest Christmas from Arthur & Luella Drake, Erma, Betty, Peggy
Christmas cards and Newsletters
This category includes all known Christmas Cards and Family Newsletters
A Kaleidoscope of Memories
A collection of short stories by Dorothy Adair Gonick
Earl courting Mary
Letters that Earl Adair wrote to Mary Bailey before they married in 1920.