Highlights in the 8 months of letters that Earl Adair wrote to Mary Bailey before they married in June 1920.
Easter Greetings. 1920
Address: 1128 W 27 Street
Postmark: Redding (APR 6)
Mary Dear I don't believe I told you that I bought 100 shares in Oil stock for $175 00 I don't know if it will make any money or not, I got a letter from the company saying they had those gass well and three oil well that was producing oil and gass now and was going to drill twenty five more well the next year it sounds pretty good.
Sam is setting here playing cards all my himself. he is getting beat every time but he keep playing just the same.
Redding Iowa April 6 1920
Address: 1128 W. 27 Street
Postmark: Redding (APR 7)
Well the aeroplane did not get up it is comming up tomorrow that is what they say.
That was to bad about Arthur letting his car freeze up, I wish it would get warm so it wouldn't freeze anymore.
I have been helping Fred today he is looking for some cattle bullpens from Stockport Iowas tomorrow
4-9-1920 Friday Evening
Address: 1128 W. 27 Street
Postmark: Redding (APR 10)
Fred sold four head of cattle the other day.
Ruth Fred little girl ask Gladys is she was going to have a Aunt Bailey. Mary Jane is sure a good one, I always did like her ever the first time that I seen her. That is too bad about her mother. It is sure bad to be sick
I sure woul like to meet Paul to see what kind of a kid he is I seen his picture once upon a time.
April 11, 1920
Address: 1128 W. 27. Street
Postmark: Redding (APR 12)
I got my certificate for my 100 shares in the Central National Oil Company today.
The aeroplane has not got to Redding It stoped at Albany Mo and lit on the bottom and it has been to muddy for them to start it. I think they can find a hill around Redding to light it on.
April 13, 1920
Address: 1128 W 27th Street
Postmark: Chariton & St Joseph (APR 14)
I would sure liked to have been in Des Moines and seen the wrestle match but I was affraid that Caddock would get throwed and I didn't wont to be there, maby the next time he wrestle he will wrestle for the Championship again and that is the one we wont to see if it is in Des Moines.
I am glad to hear that Betty Lou is doing so fine.
April 14, 1920
Address: 1128 W. 28 Street (corrected to W. 27)
Postmark: Redding (APR 17)
Tats is down here I don't know when he is going back, I would like to have them to come out some night when I was up for I think they are a nice couple.
Sam has gone to town to a play, I stayed at home and writing to my dear Sweetheart.
April 20 1920
Address: 1128 W. 27. Street
Postmark: Redding (APR)
The aeroplane has got to Redding, It has made six flights, I haven't took a ride in it yet or even been up to see it.
If the river is not out maby I can get Mc Elvain take me across in his aeroplane but it is quite sure that I will be in D.M. sometime Saturday.
Aboard the Chicago Great Western Railroad, Cafe - Club Service
Address: 1128 W. 27 Street
Postmark: Blockton (APR 26)
Talk about Raining I guess it did rain down here.
Wednesday afternoon
Address: 1456 Dean Ave.
Postmark: Redding (MAY 13)
It seem pretty slow when the aeroplane fly over
Wed Evening.
Address: 1456 Dean Avenue
Postmark: envelope was cut
I got a letter from Arthur today saying he had seats reserved for us, I guess I will half to come
April 30, 1920
Address: new order to 1456 Dean
Postmark: Redding (MAY)
I have got the cylinder oil for the tractor, I have had it cranked up yesterday it is working pretty good there is a man coming next week to fix it a little but I will have him go all over the engine and tighten it.
The dinning room is 104", 50" for the large window, and 30 in for the small window.
Wednesday afternoon
Address: 1128 W. 29 Street
Postmark: Chariton & St. Joseph (APR 28)
You tell Arthur I will see about buying the stock If I buy I will just buy five shares.
I can buy the Liberty bonds of Mamma there would be about $40.00 or $45 of depreciation on the bonds so the five share would cost u about $600.00
Arthur is making us a good offer on it, It will not make him very much money
Monday Morn.
Address: 1456 Dean Avenue
Postmark: Redding (MAY 11)
Mary I sent you the wrong border
The tractor sure worked find did not have any trouble, it is a little yet.
I got the pansy and bulbs home Mamma is going to set them out this afternoon
May 4, 1920
Address: 1456 Dean Avenue
Postmark: Blockton (MAY)
Did Arthur go Oklahoma I hope he got the two trades to go through.
Charley and Pearl was down yesterday and got some chicken feed ground.
Sam was down to Grant City and seen Miss Craven She told Sam she herd that he was going to have a new sister, I guess that is all true.
Sunday Evening
Address: 1456 Dean Avenue
Postmark: Redding (MAY 2)
WE had company today Uncle George, Alta and Pearl was down but I wish it was you instead.
Fred went to Indianola Friday and got back today I sure would like to went with him.
McElvain made a flying trip to Des Moines Saturday morning and back this morning
Dewey will get home the 5 of June
May 16, 1920
Address: 1456 Dean Avenue
Postmark: Blockton (MAY 17)
Tell Arthur to come down we will try and see that he he get all the corn he want.
I went to My Ayr Friday go a tooth filled and a ring and done some more shopping.
You can send Sam Emerson one if you want to he is at the same place O.L.Whitlatch are but he will hear about when they get there.
Tuesday 18, 1920
Address: 1456 Dean Ave.
Postmark: Redding (MAY 19)
That is to bad that your Aunt and Uncle wont be out maby they will come on surprise.
May 26, 1920
Address: 1456 Dean Avenue
Postmark: Redding (MAY 27)
Fred took a ride in the Airplane to day he didn't think it was so much fun as he though it would be.
Arthur and Bess sure must had an enjoyable trip to Ames. I know how thoes blowout goes and no water.
Tuesday afternoon
Address: 1456 Dean Avenue
Postmark: Redding (JUN 1)
We hang up the curtain in the parlor and Sitting room and found that there were one short for the little window in the Sitting room. did you make it and send it we have misplace it if you sent it. If you didn't make it will you when you are down town - get another curtain for the window and send it down and mama will make it, as you will have all you can do with out it.
We planted 4 acres of field pumpkins yesterday some watermelons and squashes today.
don't let this curtain worry you for it it will be all right.
Thur. June 3, 1920
Address 1456 Dean Avenue
Postmark: Oelwein RPO (JUN 4)
Dewey will be home Saturday. I hope your mother is better by this time, mama got your letter today (Friday)
Sunday evening
Address 1456 Dean Avenue
Postmark: Blockton (JUN 6)
In regard about the minister I would like to have Mr Kirby for he sound like a nice man. I said that Mr Pruitt used to preach in Redding some years ago, WE thought it would be all right to get him, but Dear if you won't to get a Friend Minister from Oskaloosa that will be allright with us.
April 5, 1920
Address: 1128 W. 27 Street
Postmark: Postmark: Chariton & St. Joseph
Did I tell you that Mrs D.M. Smith died she was buried today
The aeroplane is going to get to Redding tomorrow Mc Elvain got to Albany this afternoon. Redding will be up with D.M. with the Aeroplane flights.
There is going to be a wrestle match in D.M. Monday night, I have about lost my sport in the wrestle game since Caddock has lost out
Tuesday Evening
Address: 1128 W. 27 Street
Postmark: Chariton & St. Joseph (MAR)
Stuart Hoover was in D.M. and came down on the same train I did so I had company all the way home.
Wed Evening.
Address: 1128 W 27 Street
Postmark: Redding (MAR)
Fred and Gladys has got them a little boy it was born this afternoon. (Ed.Note: This is the birth of Maurice Adair)
It was Easter that we were all out to Baird's. That evening WE got George and Fern and took them for a ride.
One day we took the Buick went to Clearfield, Diagonal, and Mt Ayr. It was that evening WE came down to hear the Edison.
Monday Evening Ed. Note: I dated this letter January 12 due to illness of Pearl's mother who passed on January 13.
Address: 1004 W 28 Street
Postmark: Chariton & St. Joseph (JAN)
Pearl Herring got word that her mother was vey sick to come at once, So her and papa went down there to night.
Sunday Evening
Address: 1004 W 28 Street
Postmark: Redding (MAR 22)
This sure has been a fine day, I only wish that WE were close together so we might take a nice ride together, like we used to when you were teaching school in Redding or when WE went to Atlantic I don’t think I will ever forget that trip for I sure enjoyed it. My Dear you being setting beside My Side that made it so happy.
My Uncle and Aunt from Okla. Uncle George and Alta and Pearl was her today.
I do hope your folks come out for I would like to see them. It may be a few year before we get to go back there.
I have been over to Lyle Spencer tonight. I don't know if you know him or not. Fred married his Sister.
Mary My Dear I am not a bit scared about you getting so I can't boss you around, Dearie I am not going to boss you for you may be right and I wrong
Sunday 1-30 P.M.
Address: 1004 W 28 Street
Postmark: Redding (MAR 18)
No I didn’t know Carol Andrews You folks always having company If it isnt some on else it is Me.
Mary Dear I think you can cook well enough to suit me I am not a bit scared about the cooking or any thing else
There was a airplain came up to Redding from Albany Mo. and took Mr MCalvain back with him, they sailed to gether in France.
Sunday Evening
Address: 1004 W 28 Street
Postmark: Redding (MAR 14)
Jessie Crouch was telling Fern Seaton that she had a new Edison, Fern told her that She would come down and hear it someday. Jessie told her it wasn’t down here She said She didn’t think it was worth while to bring it down for so short a time, So I guess she is going to leave Redding.
I don't know if Fern is going to Mo. or not George is up about two or three time a week. Redding will be shy some more teachers next year.
Friday noon.
Address: 1004 W 28 Street
Postmark: Redding (MAR 12)
Fred was in D.M. to the sale. The cattle didn’t sell very well. They fell short about half what they were expecting.
There was lot of people at the sale asking me if I brought you my Dear back with me. My Dear I didn't this time but it won't be be long till I can Will it Dearie
Tue. evening
Address: 1004 W 28 Street
Postmark: Redding (MAR 4)
I just sold 12 hogs they brought me $447.13. We haven't got any more little piggies.
That is to bad Mary Jane and Paul can't decide on a date and place, I expect what Mary Jane says will go.
I want to thank you again for the tulip my Sweetheart
Feb 29 - 1920
Address: 1004 W 28 Street
Postmark: Blockton (MAR 2)
We have got 31 little piggies, and have got eight more sows to farrow yet.
Do you remember Jim Parker he was down to our place one time when you was down here. He was married today. I think they are all going to get married.
Mama and Pearl Herring went to Des Moines to day perhaps you will see them by the time you get this letter
Monday Evening
Address: 1004 W 28 Street
Postmark: Redding (FEB 25)
They had a farewell supper at the church for Mr and Mrs Norris and Mr and Mrs George Eaton that are going to leave.
Ralph Jenning got hit by a car Sunday, the cars are getting so think that they can't stay out in front of them. I did not hear how bad he is hurt.
There is going to be a big wrestle match in Des Moines Monday. If I come I will stay over and take in the wrestle match.
Thu Evening
Address: 1004 W 28 Street
Postmark: Chariton & St. Joseph (FEB 26)
There is going to be a Short Horn Sale and Show in Des Moines the 9-10-11 of March that I want to attend If I don't get up Sunday I will be there then.
I sure would like to see the new Baby girl. Ed.Note: Probably reference to Arthur and Bess daughter Elizabeth Louise (Betty) Bailey.
Christmas cards and Newsletters
This category includes all known Christmas Cards and Family Newsletters
A Kaleidoscope of Memories
A collection of short stories by Dorothy Adair Gonick
Earl courting Mary
Letters that Earl Adair wrote to Mary Bailey before they married in 1920.