Highlights in the 8 months of letters that Earl Adair wrote to Mary Bailey before they married in June 1920.
Easter Greetings. 1920
Address: 1128 W 27 Street
Postmark: Redding (APR 6)
Mary Dear I don't believe I told you that I bought 100 shares in Oil stock for $175 00 I don't know if it will make any money or not, I got a letter from the company saying they had those gass well and three oil well that was producing oil and gass now and was going to drill twenty five more well the next year it sounds pretty good.
Sam is setting here playing cards all my himself. he is getting beat every time but he keep playing just the same.
Redding Iowa April 6 1920
Address: 1128 W. 27 Street
Postmark: Redding (APR 7)
Well the aeroplane did not get up it is comming up tomorrow that is what they say.
That was to bad about Arthur letting his car freeze up, I wish it would get warm so it wouldn't freeze anymore.
I have been helping Fred today he is looking for some cattle bullpens from Stockport Iowas tomorrow
4-9-1920 Friday Evening
Address: 1128 W. 27 Street
Postmark: Redding (APR 10)
Fred sold four head of cattle the other day.
Ruth Fred little girl ask Gladys is she was going to have a Aunt Bailey. Mary Jane is sure a good one, I always did like her ever the first time that I seen her. That is too bad about her mother. It is sure bad to be sick
I sure woul like to meet Paul to see what kind of a kid he is I seen his picture once upon a time.