Wednesday afternoon
Address: 1456 Dean Ave.
Postmark: Redding (MAY 13)
It seem pretty slow when the aeroplane fly over
Wed Evening.
Address: 1456 Dean Avenue
Postmark: envelope was cut
I got a letter from Arthur today saying he had seats reserved for us, I guess I will half to come
April 30, 1920
Address: new order to 1456 Dean
Postmark: Redding (MAY)
I have got the cylinder oil for the tractor, I have had it cranked up yesterday it is working pretty good there is a man coming next week to fix it a little but I will have him go all over the engine and tighten it.
The dinning room is 104", 50" for the large window, and 30 in for the small window.
Wednesday afternoon
Address: 1128 W. 29 Street
Postmark: Chariton & St. Joseph (APR 28)
You tell Arthur I will see about buying the stock If I buy I will just buy five shares.
I can buy the Liberty bonds of Mamma there would be about $40.00 or $45 of depreciation on the bonds so the five share would cost u about $600.00
Arthur is making us a good offer on it, It will not make him very much money
Monday Morn.
Address: 1456 Dean Avenue
Postmark: Redding (MAY 11)
Mary I sent you the wrong border
The tractor sure worked find did not have any trouble, it is a little yet.
I got the pansy and bulbs home Mamma is going to set them out this afternoon